Reflection with Venerable Catherine McAuley

Reflection on the Sculpture in St Marys Handsworth,
Venerable Catherine’s last Foundation


When Catherine McAuley founded a new community she spent a month with the Sisters to support, encourage and pray for the Foundation. Philip Jackson, the sculptor of these statues imagines Catherine and Juliana, the first Superior of St Mary’s, sitting in this quadrangle together having some quiet time.


Let us use our imagination as we spend some time with this image:


At what stage in Catherine’s visit might they have sat here?

Who invited whom to sit down?

How are they sitting?

How might they be feeling?

What might Juliana be reading?

How is Catherine listening?

Look at the expression?

Catherine invites you to sit down?

What would she say to you today?

What would your reply be?

As you leave these statues what will stay with you?